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The hole in the Earth’s ozone layer has until now protected Antarctica from the worst effects of global warming. But scientists have warned that as the hole closes up in the next few decades, temperatures on the continent could rise by around 3 ℃ on average, with melting ice contributing to a global sea level increase of up to 1.4 meters.
In the past decades the western Antarctic has seen rapid ice loss as the world has warmed, but the other parts of the continent have, paradoxically, been cooling, resulting in a 10% increase in ice in the seas around the region. This is because the hole in the ozone layer has increased cold winds in Antarctica, making much of the continent surface colder than usual.
But now that the gasses that cause the ozone hole have been banned, scientists expect the hole to repair itself within the next 50 to 60 years. By then the cooling effect will have faded out and the Antarctic will face the full impact of global warming. This means an increase in average air temperatures of around 3 ℃ and a reduction in sea ice by around a third.
The biggest threat to the continent comes from warming seas. Robert Johnson, a scientist who monitors Antarctica ice sheets, said, “The ice sheets in Antarctica are hundreds of metres thick. But once warm ocean waters start flowing underneath, the ice will begin thinning and could break up very quickly.” Thinning ice sheets cause ice to break away from the continent and to melt even faster. Escaping ice from western Antarctica has already resulted in a 10% rise in global sea level in recent decades.
Johnson believes that international action to reduce global warming is required immediately or it may be too late. “Everything is connected - Antarctica may be a long way away but it is an important part of the Earth’s system,” said Johnson. “It contains 90% of the world’s ice, 70% of the world’s fresh water and that is enough, if it melts completely, to raise sea levels by 63 metres.”
Even in a worse-case situation, scientists don’t expect the ice to entirely disappear, but predict that, because of the melting ice sheets, average sea level rise will be around 1.4 metres higher by the end of the century.
1. The underlined word “paradoxically” (in Paragraph 2) most probably means “________.”
A. rapidlyB. approximatelyC. contradictorilyD. apparently
2. What is the effect of the hole in the ozone layer on Antarctica?
A. It is causing the ice to melt faster.
B. It is making much of the continent colder.
C. It is making the effects of global warming in the region worse.
D. It is reducing the amount of water in Antarctica.
3. What do scientists think is the biggest danger facing Antarctica?
A. Rising sea levels.
B. Warming sea water temperature.
C. Water pollution.
D. Growing ice sheets.
4. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A. Antarctica is currently experiencing the full effects of global warming.
B. The average temperature has increased by 3 ℃ in recent decades.
C. Antarctica contains most of the world’s fresh water.
D. Ten percent of Antarctica’s ice has already been lost.
5. The best title for the passage is________.
A. Our planet in danger
B. Antarctica melting away
C. Action plan to save Antarctica
D. Let’s save the ozone layer
【解析】词义猜测题。 首先,选项词义要牢记;其次,划线词所在句中的but为推断关键,划线词应理解为相反地。故选C。
【解析】细节理解题。从第二段末句This is because the hole in the ozone layer has increased cold winds in Antarctica, making much of the continent surface colder than usual. 可得答案。故选B。
【解析】细节理解题。从第四段第一句The biggest threat to the continent comes from warming seas. 可得出答案。The biggest threat 对应 the biggest danger。故选B。
【解析】细节理解题。(或仅通过常识亦可判断),从第五段最后一句”It contains 90% of the world’s ice, 70% of the world’s fresh water.可得出答案。故选C。
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